A Reminder of Surprising Benefits of Exercise

A Reminder of Surprising Benefits of Exercise

Published by TE on Jun 20th 2022


1. Exercise is great for your mental health

Working out is linked to less depression, better memory, and quicker learning. It also has been shown to prevent or delay any showings of Alzheimers disease.

2. Happiness

Studies have shown that people have felt much better and can relieve symptoms of depression just by walking or cycling which are very simple and straight forward exercises.

3. Slower Aging

It has been shown by studies that exercising slows down aging physically in most all subjects recorded. It slows the aging of cells which gets the result you would imagine.

4. Better Skin

A nice biproduct of the slower aging is that you look healthier and feel healthier, your skin has more blood flow and can deliver oxygen and nutrients better. That helps wounds heal faster and make your skin look much younger.

5. Recovery

As some may imagine, when in the aftermath of a major illness or injury it is often suggested to attend physical therapy, which is essentially exercising your body to help you heal from a big injury or sickness. There is a reason why the say that.