10 Things to Watch out for While doing Deadlifts

10 Things to Watch out for While doing Deadlifts

Published by TE on Nov 8th 2021

The deadlift is a very important exercise to have in your workout plan to help muscles at hips, hamstrings, and back. There are things to be careful about as you can hurt your lower back if not done correctly.

1. Your Shins are Too Far Forward

When you set the bar up, keep your shins are vertical as possible and try not to angle your shins forward at all, as it is not supposed to be a squat.

2. Your Torso is too Upright\

The Deadlift is not a squat, it is a completely different exercise and movement. From the starting position make sure to bend your torso over the bar while keeping your back flat.

3. Your Back is Rounded 

Make sure to never round your back while deadlifting, that will cause you to possible have injuries in your lower back or spine.

4. Your Hips are Rising too Fast

Raising your hips too fast before your upper body has risen does not work the part of your back that you want which is one of the reasons for the workout.

5. You're not Dragging the Bar Along your Body

The bar should stay as close to your body as possible as the further away you hold it, the more stress it puts on your lower back.

6. The Bars Hitting your Knees on the Way Down

This one is a bit obvious, there's a close line to walk when dragging the bar close to your body but not hitting your knees on the way down.

7. You're Deadlifting High Reps

Avoid deadlifting as high reps as it can fatigue your body quickly and compromise technique. It can put your body at risk of injury as when you compromise technique as you will not retain the correct way to do the workout.

8. You're Not Setting the Bar Down Each Time

Although you will see many people bounce the weight or even miss the ground, you should always start each repetition must start from the ground.

9. You're Looking Up

Try not to look up, that can hurt your cervical spine and strain your neck muscles.

10. You're Overarching Your Back at the Finish

At the top, avoid leaning backward or overarching your lower back to finish the rep.