Tips for avoiding injury while exercising

Tips for avoiding injury while exercising

Published by TE on Feb 28th 2022

1. Warm Up

Making sure you have the proper time to warm up your muscles and limbs for the movement you're going to be putting them through is a crucial step to perform every time before you exercise. Not performing this step can make you stiff and make you more prone to tearing muscles which certainly is not what you need

2. Don't Overestimate

Everyone wants to get a fit as possible in the shortest amount of time and some people think that the quickest way to do that is to push yourself to limits that you know you cannot do in a time span that is not reasonable. This will do nothing but injure you, as the more you push yourself over your limits in a short time span will not only give you severely diminishing returns but hike up your chances to hurt yourself.

3. Cross Training

A lot of people want to focus on one set of muscles particularly as they feel those are the most important or get looked at the most, arms being the most common of this philosophy. This is not a good way to view working out because all muscles in the body are interconnected and if one is much stronger than the surrounding muscles it creates an imbalance in your body and overworking one part of the body again gives severely diminishing returns. What makes muscles actually grow are giving them the time to heal after working them.

4. Technique

Double checking that you are doing an exercise correctly can be night and day in how effective the workout is for your body, and on top of that can help you prevent injury to yourself by doing a workout wrong. A common workout that injures people are deadlifts, which commonly injures peoples lower back which is a very weak area on the body.

5. Diet/Water

If you give your body the correct amount of nutrients and hydration, you are essentially making it harder for your body to injure even if you do end up forgetting to remember some of these workout tips. Muscles need hydration all of the time in order to grow and you also need to be hydrated so when you sweat your moisture out at the gym, you can replace the lost fluids.

6. Dress

Its very simple to think about but having breathable and clothing that you can move around in easily is essential to working out especially if you are doing it outside like running or jogging. Overheating is a common problem sometimes when exercising and everyone should take the cautions needed to prevent that, including how you dress for the occasion.